6 Vacation Rental Business Tips to Delight Guests and Boost Reviews6 Vacation Rental Business Tips to Delight Guests and Boost Reviews

Elevate Your Vacation Rental Business With Tokeet 

Running a successful vacation rental business is all about creating memorable experiences for your guests. Happy guests leave great reviews, and great reviews lead to more bookings and higher revenue. 

Whether you’re managing a short-term rental or multiple properties, using the right tools like a channel manager or property management software can make all the difference. In this post, we’ll explore six practical tips to delight your guests and boost those all-important reviews. 

According to AirDNA, the success of a vacation rental hinges on delighting guests. Listings with an average rating of 4.9 stars or above enjoyed a 9.7% higher occupancy rate, a 7.7% higher average daily rate (ADR), and 18.2% higher revenue in 2023 compared to listings with lower ratings.

Also, based on information from Airbtics, a recent poll by a top market research agency shows that 90% of consumers read online reviews before purchasing or scheduling a service

Let’s dive in and elevate your vacation rental game!

1. Understand Your Guests’ Needs

Know Your Audience

The first step to delighting your guests is to really understand who they are. Are your guests mostly families on vacation, business travelers, or couples looking for a romantic getaway? Knowing your audience helps you tailor your amenities and communication to meet their specific needs. For example, families might appreciate a high chair and some toys, while business travelers might need a reliable Wi-Fi connection and a comfortable workspace.

Provide Clear Communication

Clear communication is key to a smooth guest experience. Using a channel manager can help you keep communication consistent and streamlined across multiple booking platforms. Make sure your guests have all the information they need about the property and the check-in process well in advance. Clear, accessible instructions and prompt responses to any questions can make a huge difference in how your guests feel about their stay. Using property management software such as Tokeet can also help automate and organize this communication, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

2. Use Technology to Enhance the Experience

Property Management Software

Leveraging technology can significantly enhance the guest experience and make your job easier. Property management software is a game-changer for any vacation rental business. It automates many time-consuming tasks like booking, scheduling cleanings, and handling payments. This means less manual work for you and a more seamless experience for your guests. Imagine having everything organized in one place—no more double bookings, forgotten cleanings, or missed payments. It’s a win-win situation, making your short-term rental operation smoother and more efficient.

Tokeet is a suite of best in class products for the vacation rental business that helps you get more bookings, automate your workflow, set dynamic rates and coordinate with service providers.

Smart Home Devices

Another great way to boost guest satisfaction is by investing in smart home devices. Smart locks, for example, allow guests to check in and out without any hassle, using a code instead of physical keys. This adds a layer of convenience and security. Smart thermostats can help maintain a comfortable temperature, while smart lighting can create a welcoming atmosphere. These small investments can make a big difference in how guests perceive their stay, leading to better reviews and more repeat bookings.

Channel managers like Tokeet offer extensive integrations with various short-term rental products, making it easy to enhance your property management business. You can seamlessly sync your smart home devices, among many other options, to add valuable functionality and improve the guest experience.

3. Personalize the Guest Experience

Welcome Packages

Make your guests feel truly welcomed by offering them a thoughtful welcome package. This could include local treats that showcase the flavors of the area, a bottle of wine to set the mood for their stay, or even a personalized welcome note that adds a personal touch. These small gestures go a long way in making guests feel valued and appreciated from the moment they arrive.

Automated welcome messages for guests can be really helpful. You can use Tokeet’s automations to set these up, saving you the hassle of sending them manually.

Local Recommendations

Help your guests make the most of their stay by providing them with insider tips on the best local attractions, restaurants, and hidden gems. Create a guidebook that includes your favorite spots, along with recommendations from previous guests. Be sure to update the guide regularly based on feedback and your own discoveries to ensure that your guests have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips. By sharing your local knowledge, you can help your guests create unforgettable memories during their short-term rental stay.

4. Maintain High Standards of Cleanliness and Maintenance for your Short-Term Rentals

Regular Inspections

Keeping your property in top-notch condition is essential for guest satisfaction. Conduct regular property inspections to ensure that everything is in working order. This includes checking for any signs of wear and tear, addressing any maintenance issues promptly, and making sure that all amenities are functioning properly. Utilizing a property management tool such as Tokeet can be incredibly helpful in scheduling and tracking these inspections, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

With built in task management features, Tokeet helps you to quickly set up and keep track of the maintenance needs for your short term rentals. You can easily schedule recurring tasks at specific intervals, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks and your properties are always well-maintained.

Professional Cleaning Services

One of the most crucial aspects of maintaining a high standard of cleanliness is hiring professional cleaners. These experts can ensure that your property is spotless and ready for each guest’s arrival. From thorough cleaning of every surface to refreshing linens and towels, professional cleaners can handle it all. Consider scheduling deep cleaning sessions regularly, not just between stays, to ensure that your property remains in pristine condition and earns glowing reviews from every guest.

5. Collect and Implement Feedback

Encourage Reviews

Getting feedback from guests is crucial for improving your vacation rental business. Make it easy for guests to leave reviews by sending them a friendly reminder after their stay. Express your gratitude for their feedback and let them know how much it means to you. Utilize property management software to automate the process of requesting reviews, saving you time and ensuring that no guest slips through the cracks.

With Tokeet’s advanced automation tool Automata, setting up emails to automatically send to your guests before, during and after their booking is a breeze.

Respond to Feedback

When you receive feedback, whether positive or negative, it’s important to respond promptly and professionally. Address any issues or concerns raised by guests with empathy and a willingness to make things right. Show guests that their opinions matter to you and that you’re committed to providing the best possible experience. By implementing changes based on guest feedback, you can continuously improve your short-term rental business and earn even better reviews in the future.

6. Market Your Vacation Rental Property Effectively

High-Quality Photos and Descriptions

First impressions matter, especially in the vacation rental business. Invest in professional photography to capture your property’s best features in stunning detail. Show off the cozy living room, the well-equipped kitchen, and the breathtaking views from the balcony. Pair these photos with detailed, honest descriptions that highlight what makes your rental unique. Whether it’s the proximity to local attractions or the charming neighborhood, paint a vivid picture that entices potential guests to book their stay.

Information from AirDNA states that listings with professional-level photographs earn 40% more revenue than those without.

Use Multiple Platforms

Don’t limit yourself to just one platform when listing your property. Expand your reach by listing on multiple short-term rental platforms to attract a wider audience. However, managing multiple calendars and pricing can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where property management software comes in handy. This tool helps keep your calendar and pricing synchronized across platforms, saving you time and ensuring that your property is always visible to potential guests. With your property listed on multiple platforms and a channel manager to keep everything organized, you’ll maximize your visibility and increase your chances of securing bookings.

With Tokeet, you can effortlessly handle all your bookings, messages, and pricing from a single platform, whether you’re connected to Airbnb, Booking.com, Expedia, or VRBO. Plus, it seamlessly syncs with your own direct booking website, streamlining your management process and ensuring consistency across all channels.

Tokeet Suite of ProductsHow Tokeet Can Help Property Managers Achieve Guest Satisfaction and Reviews

Streamlined Booking Management

Tokeet offers a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of your bookings, from initial inquiries to check-out. With its intuitive interface, you can easily track reservations, communicate with guests, and handle payments—all from one centralized platform. By streamlining the booking process, you can provide a seamless experience for your guests, leading to higher satisfaction rates and more positive reviews.

Automated Messaging

Sending timely and personalized messages to your guests can enhance their overall experience and leave a lasting impression. Tokeet’s automated messaging feature allows you to schedule pre-arrival instructions, welcome messages, and post-stay follow-ups, ensuring that guests feel well taken care of throughout their stay. By automating these communications, you can save time and effort while still providing excellent service to your guests.

Task Management and Maintenance

Maintaining your property to high standards is essential for guest satisfaction and positive reviews. Tokeet’s task management feature allows you to create and assign maintenance tasks, schedule cleanings, and track progress—all within the same platform. By staying on top of maintenance needs and ensuring that your property is clean and well-maintained, you can provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for your guests, leading to glowing reviews and repeat bookings.

TokeetAI – Tokeet’s AI-Powered Guest Communication Feature

This new integration to the platform is a game changer for property management software. Tokeet’s innovative solution harnesses the power of AI to streamline guest interactions, and deliver personalized experiences that delight guests and drive business success.

AI algorithms can analyze guest preferences, and behavior patterns, allowing hosts to deliver highly personalized experiences. Using data insights, hosts can anticipate guest needs and offer tailored recommendations, enhancing guest satisfaction and loyalty. Whether it’s suggesting nearby restaurants based on culinary preferences or arranging transportation services according to travel itineraries, AI enables hosts to create memorable experiences that resonate with guests long after their stay.

Integration with other Short-Term Rental Platforms

Tokeet seamlessly integrates with a variety of short-term rental platforms, making it easy for property managers to access and utilize advanced features to manage their properties. With Tokeet, you can sync smart devices like thermostats and lighting to enhance guest comfort and security. You can also use smart locks for hassle-free check-ins and check-outs. Additionally, integrations allow you to connect to different payment gateway options to streamline and secure transactions. These integrations help simplify operations, improve guest experiences, and ensure your vacation rental business runs smoothly.

With Tokeet’s suite of tools and features, property managers can streamline their operations, enhance guest satisfaction, and boost reviews—all while saving time and effort. By leveraging the power of technology and automation, you can take your vacation rental business to new heights and create memorable experiences for your guests.


So there you have it—six actionable tips to take your vacation rental business to the next level and leave your guests raving about their experience. By understanding your guests’ needs, leveraging technology, personalizing their stay, maintaining high standards of cleanliness and maintenance, collecting and implementing feedback, and effectively marketing your short-term property, you’ll be well on your way to delighting guests and boosting those all-important reviews.

Now it’s your turn! Take these tips and put them into action to enhance your short-term rental business. Remember, small changes can make a big difference in the guest experience and ultimately impact your bottom line.

We’d love to hear from you! Have you tried any of these tips before? Do you have your own strategies for delighting guests and boosting reviews? Share your thoughts, tips, and experiences in the comments below. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other’s successes!

Tokeet Channel ManagerElevate Your Vacation Rental Business with Tokeet

Ready to take your vacation rental business to the next level? Sign up with Tokeet today and unlock a world of possibilities for optimizing your operations and delighting your guests. With our user-friendly platform and comprehensive suite of features, managing your properties has never been easier or more efficient.

Start with a FREE 15-Day Trial!

Experience the power of Tokeet firsthand with our complimentary 15-day trial. Simply sign up on our website to get started, no credit card required. During your trial period, you’ll have full access to all of Tokeet’s features and functionalities, allowing you to explore everything our platform has to offer at your own pace. Whether you’re a seasoned property manager or just starting out, our trial period gives you the opportunity to see how Tokeet can benefit your business without any commitment.

Personalized Onboarding and Support

At Tokeet, we understand that transitioning to a new platform can be daunting. That’s why we offer 24/7 customer support and personalized 1-on-1 assistance to help you every step of the way. From setting up your account to optimizing your listings, our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and ensure a smooth transition. Plus, we provide demos and FREE onboarding calls to help you get acquainted with the platform and make the most of its capabilities. With Tokeet’s personalized support, you’ll feel confident and empowered to make the most of your vacation rental business.

Explore Our Demo Videos and Resources

Tokeet offers a wealth of resources to help you get started and make the most of our platform. Explore our library of demo videos and tutorials to learn how to use Tokeet’s features effectively and efficiently. Whether you’re looking to automate your communications, optimize your pricing strategy, or streamline your task management, our demo videos provide step-by-step guidance to help you achieve your goals. Plus, our comprehensive knowledge base is filled with helpful articles and FAQs to answer any questions you may have along the way. With Tokeet’s extensive resources at your fingertips, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.

Join the Tokeet Community

When you sign up with Tokeet, you’re not just gaining access to a powerful platform—you’re joining a vibrant community of vacation rental professionals from around the world. Connect with fellow property managers, share insights and best practices, and learn from each other’s experiences. Our community forum is a valuable resource for networking, collaboration, and support, providing you with the opportunity to learn and grow alongside other industry professionals. Plus, our dedicated customer success team is always on hand to answer your questions, address your concerns, and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your Tokeet experience.

Ready to Get Started?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your vacation rental business with Tokeet. Sign up for your FREE 15-day trial today and experience the difference for yourself. With our reliable customer support, personalized assistance, demo videos, and vibrant community, you’ll have everything you need to succeed. 

Join the thousands of property managers worldwide who trust Tokeet to streamline their operations, maximize their bookings, and deliver exceptional guest experiences. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Tokeet family and help you achieve your goals!