How to Write Effective Airbnb Reviews for Guests: Examples and Sample Reviews

How to Write Effective Airbnb Reviews For Guests: Examples and Sample Reviews

Did you know that fewer hosts leave reviews for guests compared to the number of guests who leave reviews for hosts? 

Writing Airbnb guest reviews is crucial for maintaining a vibrant and trustworthy community on the platform. Airbnb encourages hosts to leave reviews for their guests because mutual reviews help both hosts and guests make informed decisions, fostering a sense of trust and transparency.

Almost as many 82% say reviews are important when booking a family holiday. Even when booking a solo trip, 66% said that reading reviews is a crucial part of the decision-making process, with 55% of business travelers in agreement. This highlights just how impactful reviews can be for various types of travel decisions.

In this article, we will explore how to write effective Airbnb reviews for guests, provide examples, and share sample reviews to ensure your guest reviews are helpful and constructive. Whether you’re a seasoned host or new to the Airbnb community, this guide will equip you with the tools to write reviews that benefit everyone.

Importance of Writing Airbnb Guest Reviews

To become an Airbnb Superhost, you must maintain a high response rate and consistently leave reviews for your guests. Writing guest reviews is essential for fostering a reliable and transparent community on Airbnb, benefiting both hosts and guests.

For Hosts:

  • Increase Bookings: Positive reviews make guests more appealing to future hosts, increasing their chances of securing bookings.
  • Improve Search Rankings: Responding to reviews can boost your listing’s visibility on Airbnb, helping you attract more potential guests.
  • Improve Guest Behavior: Knowing they will be reviewed, guests are more likely to follow house rules and treat the property with respect.
  • Enhance Guest Experience: Quick responses to guest reviews show that you value feedback and are committed to improving your hosting experience.
  • Build Relationships: Engaging with guests through reviews fosters a sense of community and encourages repeat stays.
  • Improve Listings: Feedback provides insights on what guests appreciate or what needs improvement.

For Guests:

  • Make Informed Decisions: Reviews help guests understand what to expect from the listing and host.
  • Choose the Best Stay: Reviews highlight unique features and potential downsides, aiding in the selection of the best property.
  • Set Expectations: Honest reviews manage expectations and reduce misunderstandings or disappointments.

Five-star airbnb reviews for guestsBest Practices for Writing Airbnb Guest Reviews

To write effective Airbnb guest reviews, it’s important to be clear, honest, and respectful. Following best practices ensures your feedback is valuable for future hosts and guests alike.

Be Honest and Constructive

Honesty is important in reviews as it helps build trust within the Airbnb community and ensures that future hosts and guests have accurate information to base their decisions on. When providing feedback, focus on being helpful rather than critical. Mention specific behaviors or incidents and suggest how they can be improved.

 For example, instead of saying, “The guest was messy,” you could say, “The guest could improve by tidying up the kitchen before leaving.” 

Focus on Specific Details

Including relevant details such as the guest’s communication, adherence to house rules, cleanliness, and overall respect for the property is crucial. Specific examples provide clarity and make your review more helpful.

For instance, noting that a guest was very quiet and left the place spotless can reassure a host who values these qualities. Specific details help future hosts know what to expect and how to prepare.

Keep it Professional and Respectful

Always write your review in a professional tone. Even if you had a negative experience, keep your language courteous and objective. Focus on behaviors and facts rather than personal opinions.

 Avoid making biased comments or personal attacks, as these can be unhelpful and unfair to the guest. Instead, stick to observable behaviors and how they impacted your hosting experience.

Image showing a note with the text "Write a Review" and five gold stars, emphasizing the importance of leaving airbnb guests reviews.Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Airbnb Reviews For Guests

Crafting a detailed and constructive review for your Airbnb guests can significantly benefit the community. Here we will walk you through each step to ensure your feedback is thorough, helpful, and fair.

1. Start with a Greeting

Begin your review with a friendly and polite greeting. This sets a positive tone and shows respect.


  • “It was a pleasure hosting [Guest’s Name].”
  • “We enjoyed having [Guest’s Name] stay with us.”

2. Comment on Guests Communication Skills

Discuss how well the guest communicated before and during their stay. Good communication is crucial for a smooth hosting experience.


  • “[Guest’s Name] was excellent at communicating and kept us informed throughout their stay.”
  • “We appreciated how [Guest’s Name] promptly responded to our messages.”

3. Evaluate Guests Cleanliness and Respect for House Rules

Mention the cleanliness of the guest during their stay, including how they left the property after checkout.

Highlight the guest’s adherence to house rules. This shows future hosts what to expect.


  • “[Guest’s Name] left the place spotless and followed all house rules.”
  • “We were pleased with how clean and tidy [Guest’s Name] kept the space.”

4. Mention Timeliness and Checkout Process

Comment on the guest’s punctuality and how well they adhered to the check-out process.


  • “[Guest’s Name] checked out on time and left the property in great condition.”
  • “We appreciated that [Guest’s Name] respected our check-out time and followed all procedures.”

Graphic showing sample Airbnb reviews for guests categorized as positive, constructive, neutral, and negative, each demonstrating different guest experiences and host feedback.Sample Reviews for Airbnb Guests

Positive Airbnb Review Example:

“It was a pleasure hosting Sarah. She was excellent at communicating and kept us informed throughout her stay. Sarah left the place spotless and followed all house rules. She checked out on time and left the property in great condition. We would be happy to host her again.”

Constructive Airbnb Review Example

“Hosting Mike was generally a good experience. He communicated well before and during his stay. However, there were a few issues with cleanliness, as the kitchen was left quite messy. Mike respected the house rules but was slightly late for check-out. We hope he can improve on these aspects for future stays.”

Neutral Airbnb Review Example

“Hosting Alex was a mixed experience. While he communicated well and followed most house rules, the cleanliness was not up to standard, and he left some areas untidy. With a bit more attention to detail, Alex could be a great guest.”

Negative Airbnb Review Example

“Unfortunately, hosting Sarah was challenging. She did not follow house rules and left the property in poor condition. Communication was also difficult. I would not recommend her to other hosts.”

Example Review for Different Scenarios

Short Stay Review

“Anna stayed with us for two nights. She was very communicative and respectful of our home. She left the apartment clean and followed all the house rules. We’d gladly host her again.”

Long Stay Review:

 “Tom stayed at our property for a month. He was a great guest, always communicating promptly and keeping the place tidy. Tom adhered to all house rules and checked out on time. Highly recommended!”

Family Stay Review

“Hosting the Johnson family was a delight. They communicated well and respected our home. The house was left clean, and they followed all the house rules. We would welcome them back anytime.”

Business Stay Review:

“Jessica was in town for business and stayed with us for a week. She was professional, communicated clearly, and kept the apartment in excellent condition. She followed all the house rules and checked out on time. We would definitely host her again.”

A screenshot of how to write Airbnb Guest Reviews from Tokeet PMSHow to Leave Reviews for Guests Using Tokeet PMS

Tokeet Property Management System (PMS) simplifies the process of managing your Airbnb listings, including writing and posting reviews on Airbnb without leaving the platform. Here’s how you can leave reviews for guests using Tokeet:

  1. Log in to Tokeet: Access your Tokeet dashboard with your login credentials.
  2. Navigate to Inquires: Go to the ‘Inquiries’ tab to see a list of your recent and upcoming bookings.
  3. Select the booking to Review: Choose Airbnb booking you want to review, which was completed recently (within the last 14 days).
  4. Go to ‘Reviews’ tab: There will be an option to “Review Your Guest” for the selected reservation. Click on it.
  5. Write Your Review: Follow the guidelines mentioned in this article to write an honest, detailed, and respectful review: 
  6. Submit the Review: Once you’ve written your review, submit it. Your feedback will be posted to the guest’s profile on Airbnb.

For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the Tokeet Help Article on Airbnb Reviews.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Airbnb Guest Reviews

1. Being Too Vague

Vague reviews don’t provide enough information for future hosts to make informed decisions. They fail to highlight specific behaviors or experiences that could be crucial for other hosts.

Be specific without being too lengthy. Focus on key details that are relevant to the guest’s stay. Mention specific behaviors, such as cleanliness, communication, and adherence to house rules. For example, instead of saying “The guest was good,” you could say, “The guest communicated well and left the space clean.”

2. Personal Attacks or Bias

Personal attacks and biased comments can unfairly damage a guest’s reputation. They also reflect poorly on the host and the community.

Stick to observable facts and behaviors. Avoid personal opinions or emotional language. Focus on what the guest did rather than who they are. For example, say “The guest did not follow the house rules about noise” instead of “The guest was inconsiderate and rude.”

3. Ignoring Key Aspects of the Stay

Comprehensive reviews are more helpful for future hosts. They provide a well-rounded view of the guest’s behavior and the overall experience.

4. Checklist of Points to Include in Every Review:

  • Communication: How well did the guest communicate before and during their stay?
  • Cleanliness: How did the guest leave the property?
  • House Rules: Did the guest follow all house rules?
  • Timeliness: Was the guest punctual for check-in and check-out?
  • Overall Experience: Summarize the overall experience of hosting the guest.

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on specific, objective, and comprehensive reviews, you can provide valuable feedback that benefits both future hosts and guests.

how to write airbnb reviews for guests: The feedback cycle explainedFinal Tips for Writing Great Airbnb Guest Reviews

  • Write Promptly: Submit your review soon after the guest’s stay to ensure your feedback is accurate and detailed.
  • Keep Notes: For hosts with frequent guests, keep a simple log or notes on each guest to remember key details when writing reviews.
  • Be Honest and Fair: Provide truthful feedback while being fair to the guest. Highlight both positive behaviors and areas for improvement.
  • Stay Professional and Respectful: Use courteous and objective language. Focus on behaviors and facts rather than personal opinions or emotions.
  • Be Specific: Include relevant details about the guest’s communication, cleanliness, adherence to house rules, and punctuality. Specific examples make your review more useful for future hosts.
  • Use a Consistent Format: Develop a standard format for your reviews to ensure you cover all important aspects efficiently. This can save time and ensure completeness.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: If there are issues, offer suggestions on how the guest can improve. Constructive feedback helps guests learn and encourages better behavior in the future.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of Guest Reviews: Writing reviews for your guests is crucial for maintaining a trustworthy and vibrant Airbnb community.
  • Benefits for Hosts: Positive reviews can increase bookings, improve search rankings, enhance guest behavior, and build better relationships with guests.
  • Benefits for Guests: Reviews help guests make informed decisions, choose the best stay, and set clear expectations for their experience.
  • Best Practices: Be honest and constructive, focus on specific details, keep reviews professional and respectful, and submit them promptly.
  • Review Structure: Start with a friendly greeting, comment on communication, evaluate cleanliness and house rules adherence, mention timeliness, and provide specific, honest feedback.
  • Using Tokeet PMS: Tokeet PMS simplifies the process of managing Airbnb reviews, making it easier to leave thoughtful and detailed feedback.
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid: Avoid vague comments, personal attacks, and ignoring key aspects of the guest’s stay.



Q: How long do I have to leave a review for a guest? 

A: Airbnb allows you to leave a review within 14 days of the guest’s checkout date. If you don’t leave a review within this period, you will lose the opportunity to provide feedback for that stay.

Q: Can guests see my review before they write theirs? 

A: No, reviews are double-blind. This means neither the host nor the guest can see each other’s reviews until both have submitted them, or until the 14-day review period ends.

Q: What should I do if a guest leaves a false or unfair review?

A: If you believe a review violates Airbnb’s content policy, you can report it to Airbnb for review. It’s important to respond to the review professionally and calmly in the public comments section.

Q: Can I edit or delete a review after posting it?

 A: No, once a review is submitted, it cannot be edited or deleted. Make sure to review your feedback carefully before submitting.

Q: How do I write a good guest review on Airbnb?

A: Start with a friendly greeting, comment on communication, evaluate cleanliness and respect for house rules, mention timeliness, be specific and honest, and keep it professional and respectful. Read the blog for samples, examples, and detailed guidelines.

Q: Do guest reviews matter on Airbnb?

A: Yes, guest reviews matter. They help hosts make informed decisions, encourage guests to follow house rules, and improve the overall quality of stays for both guests and hosts.