
Property Managers


Social media has become an integral part of our existence. We share more than we probably should with our followers, from trivial things to the most intimate moments from our lives. With over 3 billion active monthly users, it’s no wonder that social media channels transcended into the world of business. Vacation rentals are no exception.

Many business owners turn to social media to reach out to and engage their target audience, but is it worth all the hassle?

Since its founding in 2008, Airbnb has seen explosive growth across the globe. In the U.S. alone, Airbnb has seen a 45% increase in bookings year-over-year. There are more than 1.9 million Airbnb listings, and it presents a unique opportunity for vacation property owners and travelers. But for vacation rental managers and owners, there are several critical things you need to know about running an Airbnb side hustle, mainly, the Airbnb Transient Occupancy Tax.

Vacation rental investments have been growing in recent years, with the industry’s global revenues reaching a dizzying 169 billion dollars at the end of 2018. Almost half of all surveyed investors believe that now is a great time to get into vacation rentals. But while it may seem like quick, easy cash, you’re still running a business. You need to know how to best position your property, how to secure it, how to find travelers, how vacation rentals will change your tax obligations, and more.

What goes into the process of choosing a travel location? Many people may have seen a charming, beautiful picture of a place, and wanted to experience the awe of it first hand. For others, perhaps a friend or family member suggested a specific area. But many guests get to their location, and are overwhelmed with the sights, sounds, and feel of the place. For some, they often get to their destination and think, “I’m here. Now what?”

You’re the proud owner of a vacation rental, and they told you to get a website so prospective guests could find your listings online. Getting this website would be fun, they said. It would also be easy, they said. Are you feeling frustrated and like you’ve been lied to when it comes to online marketing?