An illustration showing an Airbnb Superhost with symbols indicating increased revenue, labeled 'Airbnb Superhost.' Various currency icons are depicted to represent earnings.How to Become a Superhost on Airbnb and Boost Your Earnings


Did you know that only 19.4% of Airbnb hosts earn the prestigious title of superhost? (Airdna) That’s less than one in five! The Airbnb Superhost program recognizes hosts who consistently go above and beyond, providing exceptional service for their guests.

Also, Did you know that you can charge less but still earn more? The key is to increase your occupancy rates. And becoming a superhost can help you achieve exactly that!

So the question is: “Is achieving superhost status worth the effort?”

Absolutely! Achieving superhost status on Airbnb offers several benefits, including enhanced visibility in search results, higher booking conversion rates, and increased earnings. Many guests prefer to book with a superhost because it builds trust and influences their decisions right away.

Here’s some compelling data from Airdna highlighting the differences between superhosts and standard hosts:

  • Superhosts enjoy an average occupancy rate of 47%, compared to just 27% for standard hosts.
  • Superhosts earn 60% more revenue per day than standard hosts. 

Criteria To Become A Superhost On Airbnb

To become a superhost, you need to hit certain benchmarks in four areas:

  1. Completed Stays: Host at least 10 stays in the past year, or complete at least 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights.
  2. High Response Rate: Maintain a response rate of at least 90% to new guest messages within 24 hours.
  3. High Overall Rating: Achieve an overall rating of 4.8 or higher from guests.
  4. Low Cancellation Rate: Have a cancellation rate of 1% or less (excluding extenuating circumstances)

Airbnb checks your performance four times a year to see if you qualify for superhost status. Those dates are:

  • January 1st
  • April 1st
  • July 1st
  • October 1st

When one of our clients first started aiming for superhost status, he was stuck at a 4.7 rating and couldn’t figure out why. It turned out that some of his older, less favorable reviews were pulling his average down. After discussing, he decided to focus on personalizing guest experiences to gather more 5-star reviews. Gradually, he was able to attain a 4.9 rating and achieved superhost status.

How to become a Superhost on Airbnb

1. Focus on Guest Experience

Nearly 10% of Airbnb hosts fall short of achieving superhost status because they don’t meet the 4.8+ star review benchmark.

Excelling in guest experiences is crucial for securing top reviews. Here are key practices to help ensure your guests leave 5-star feedback:

Comfort and Cleanliness: 

When staying in a rental, what would make you leave a 5-star review?

Pie chart illustrating the distribution of star ratings among Airbnb Superhosts. The chart shows that 75% of superhosts have ratings of either 4.9 or 5 stars. It includes segments for 5 stars, 4.9 stars, 4.7-4.8 stars, 4.5-4.6 stars, and 4.4 stars or less, each in different colors.It all begins with cleanliness and hygiene. To become a superhost on Airbnb, ensure your space is always spotlessly clean, safe, and cozy. Regularly refresh bedding, towels, and amenities to maintain high quality and comfort. Remember, guests are keen on cleanliness and will not hesitate to leave a negative review if their expectations are not met.

Personalized Welcome: 

Make a great first impression! Consider offering personalized greetings, whether in person or through a thoughtful welcome note. Including small gifts or local treats can make guests feel extra special. Such gestures are often remembered warmly and can significantly enhance their overall experience.

Proactive Problem Solving: 

Ensure you are always accessible and have efficient systems in place to swiftly handle any issues that might arise during a guest’s stay. This means being available to respond to any inquiries or concerns, whether through direct communication or via a reliable property management team. Have clear instructions and troubleshooting guides for common issues like Wi-Fi connectivity or appliance use. 


Demonstrate flexibility with check-in and check-out times to enhance your guests’ convenience. Whenever possible, try to accommodate early arrivals or late departures, as long as they do not overlap with other reservations.

This adaptability not only makes guests feel valued and cared for but also distinguishes your service, making them more likely to appreciate the extra effort you put into accommodating their needs, a key aspect of how to become a superhost on Airbnb.

Attention to Detail: 

Add personal touches that can make a stay memorable, such as decor that reflects the local culture, high-quality toiletries, or facilities like coffee machines or entertainment systems. Such considerations can significantly enhance guest satisfaction and encourage glowing reviews.

Personalization Goes a Long Way:

Understanding the purpose of your guests’ visit can significantly enhance their experience. For example, if a couple is staying over for their anniversary, consider leaving a complimentary bottle of wine with a congratulatory note. 

This thoughtful gesture not only delights your guests but also increases the likelihood of securing a 5-star review. Personal touches like these show guests that their special occasions are recognized and celebrated, making their stay memorable and enjoyable.

2. Utilizing Technology and Tools

Leveraging the right technology and tools can significantly streamline your hosting operations and enhance your guests’ experiences. Let’s dive into some of the key technologies that can elevate your Airbnb game:

Channel Management Tools (PMS):

Property Management Systems (PMS) can be a game-changer for hosts. These tools automate critical tasks like bookings, communication, and overall management, saving you heaps of time and reducing the likelihood of human error.

With a PMS, you can manage your calendar, automate guest messaging, and even handle payments and security deposits smoothly. The result? More time to focus on enhancing guest experiences, a key factor in becoming a superhost on Airbnb.

Tokeet stands out as an easy-to-use, highly effective PMS. It allows you to import listings from Airbnb and connect to other channels, synchronize rates and availability, and centralize bookings to prevent double bookings and simplify reservation management. 

It also supports unified guest communication and generates analytics to optimize operations. By integrating with various tools, Tokeet streamlines everything from payment processing to staff scheduling, making it indispensable for property managers aiming to boost efficiency and guest satisfaction.

Dynamic Pricing: 

According to a study, professional hosts rely heavily on dynamic pricing to outperform casual hosts. Dynamic pricing tools adjust your rates based on market demand, local events, seasonality, and more. By using these tools, you can ensure your prices are competitive and maximize your earnings without constantly monitoring the market yourself. It’s a smart way to boost your revenue without extra effort.

According to stats:

  • Superhosts charge 11% less per night than standard hosts.
  • Superhosts earn, on average, 60% more revenue per day than standard hosts.

The question is how can you charge less but earn more? 

The answer is: occupancy

Airbnb superhosts have higher occupancy rates, receive better reviews, and make more money.

Guest Management Software: 

Streamlining guest interactions can significantly enhance the guest experience. Implementing guest management software helps in managing reservations, check-ins, and communication more efficiently. For instance, software like Automata provides a centralized platform where you can see guest details at a glance, schedule automated messages for check-ins, and manage special requests—all leading to smoother operations and happier guests.

Embracing these technologies not only makes managing your rentals easier but also positions your business to scale more effectively. With less time spent on routine tasks, you can focus more on what really matters—providing outstanding stays for your guests

3. Mastering Guest Communications

One of the criteria of becoming a superhost is responding to 90% of new guest messages within 24 hours.

Communication is key in any service industry, and Airbnb is no exception. Responding promptly to inquiries and booking requests is critical — not only does it factor into your superhost status, but it also sets the tone for your interaction with guests. Never worry about losing track of messages again with the Tokeet’s property management system. Property managers seamlessly receive all messages from various booking platforms in a single, unified inbox.

Prompt Responses: 

Always respond swiftly to any messages from guests. Quick replies not only fulfill superhost criteria but also demonstrate that you value their time and are dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience. 

This applies equally to any questions or requests from guests during their stay. Such responsiveness boosts guests’ comfort and confidence in choosing your place, and reassures them that you’ll be readily available to assist throughout their visit.

Pro Tip: We suggest that our clients set up personalized auto-responses that go out immediately when a booking is requested. This lets guests know that they’ve received their message and will get back to them as soon as possible. Tokeet vacation rental solutions empower property managers to send personalized messages promptly. Harnessing AI capabilities, it crafts optimal responses, saving you valuable time.

Clear and Effective Communication

Ensure your listings are crystal clear about what guests can expect. If there’s construction nearby or if the WiFi is spotty, mention it. Transparency builds trust and helps ensure guests are satisfied with their stay.

Guests can get upset about the noise from a nearby construction site that wasn’t mentioned in the listing. It’s better to communicate such potential disturbances upfront. This not only improves your ratings but also decreases unpleasant surprises for guests. 

4. Managing your listings:

As an Airbnb superhost, one of the secrets to maintaining the Airbnb superhost status is managing your listings like a pro. Here’s how you can ensure your listings are always top-notch and inviting:

Accuracy in Listings:

First things first, your listings need to be spot-on accurate. This means detailed descriptions and high-quality photos that reflect the current state of your space. Remember, guests rely heavily on this information when making their booking decisions.

If they arrive and find something different from what was advertised, it can lead to disappointing experiences and negative reviews. So, make it a priority to showcase your space just as it is, highlighting all its best features.

Updating Information:

Our properties evolve—maybe you’ve added a cozy reading nook or upgraded the kitchen. It’s crucial to keep your listing information fresh and current.

Regularly review your descriptions and photos to ensure they align with the actual setup. This not only helps in attracting more guests but also sets the right expectations, leading to happier stays and, hopefully, glowing reviews!

Seasonal Adjustments:

The appeal of your listing can change with the seasons, and it’s a smart move to tweak your listing to align with this. For instance, emphasize the warmth and charm of a fireplace during winter, or promote the breezy comfort of your patio in the summer. 

Also, keep an eye on local events or holidays and adjust your listing to attract guests looking for a convenient stay during these times. Maybe throw in a special touch like local travel tips or decor that compliments the season or event!

Managing your listings actively and thoughtfully not only helps in attracting more guests but also sets the stage for a fantastic stay, making that superhost badge well-deserved. Keep up the great work!

Two bar charts titled 'Most Superhosts Have 20-100 Reviews: 40% or More Are 5-Stars'. The left chart shows superhosts by review count, peaking at 20-100 reviews. The right chart depicts declining 5-star review percentages as review counts increase.5. Obtaining and Leveraging Reviews

Let’s talk about how you can not only get more reviews but make them work for you:

Encouraging Reviews: 

The first step is getting those reviews! At the end of each stay, make it a habit to personally thank your guests and remind them how much a review would mean to you. 

You could send a thank-you message via Airbnb on their check-out day expressing your appreciation and mentioning that you’ll be leaving them a review, too. People are more likely to reciprocate when they know you’re taking the time to review their stay. Sometimes, a simple, friendly nudge is all it takes!

Responding to Reviews: 

Whether they’re singing praises or offering critique, responding to reviews is your opportunity to show you’re attentive and truly care about your guests’ experiences. Always thank guests for their feedback.

For positive reviews, express your gratitude and highlight any specific compliments they made. For negative reviews, apologize sincerely for any shortcomings, provide context if necessary without making excuses. This shows potential guests that you’re committed to continuous improvement.

Learning from Feedback:

Every review is a goldmine of information. Positive feedback can reinforce what you’re doing right, while constructive criticism should be seen as invaluable feedback for improvement. 

Take note of any common themes or suggestions and consider how you can implement changes. Did several guests mention a tricky coffee maker? Maybe it’s time for a more user-friendly option. Is there glowing feedback about the comfort of the beds? Keep that in mind for future furnishings.

By actively encouraging, responding to, and learning from reviews, you not only enhance your reputation as a host but also continuously improve your offerings, making your Airbnb spot a top choice for travelers. Keep at it, and watch your superhost status shine even brighter!

Key Takeaways

Achieving Airbnb superhost status is a rewarding journey that requires dedication and a commitment to exceptional hospitality. Here are the key takeaways to guide you:

  • Maintain Excellence: Ensure cleanliness, comfort, and attention to detail in every stay.
  • Personalize Experiences: Tailor interactions to make each guest feel special.
  • Leverage Technology: Utilize tools like property management systems and dynamic pricing for efficiency.
  • Be Responsive: Always communicate promptly and effectively with guests.
  • Manage Listings Accurately: Keep your listings up-to-date and appealing.

Remember, continual improvement and guest satisfaction are your gateways to learning how to become a superhost on Airbnb and maintaining that status. Keep striving for excellence, and the results will follow!