Tokeet's integration with GuestflowWe’re happy to announce our new partnership with Guestflow!

What is Guestflow?

Guestflow simplifies and automates your business by reducing the number of apps you need and bringing all of your property, reservation and guest information together in one place. The guest app and team collaboration features allow you and your team to deliver a world class guest experience, whilst reducing costs and increasing revenue for your business.

What does Guestflow offer?

Here are some of the features and benefits of Guestflow:

Guestflow has powerful features for both individual hosts, agents, partners and co-hosts as well as a dedicated app for your guests. Here are just some of our features:

  • Unified Inbox: Consolidate all communication channels into one central hub for streamlined guest correspondence.
  • Real-Time Task Management: Manage all guest, property and client tasks efficiently, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Smart Filtering: Prioritise actions and messages based on urgency and booking status for enhanced focus and organisation.
  • Detailed Reservation Management: Access in-depth reservation details, from stay durations to guest preferences.
  • Rental Information Dashboard: Get rental specifics, including amenities, addresses, and house rules, at a glance whenever dealing with any reservation.
  • Guest App: Provide guests with a personalised web app, improving their experience and reducing inquiries whilst enhancing the check in.
  • Team Collaboration: Real-time updates and seamless communication among team members for increased productivity.
  • Customisable Workflows: Adapt Guestflow to fit your specific business model and processes.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain actionable insights to drive informed business decisions and revenue growth.
  • Automated Guest Communication: Enhance guest satisfaction with timely and personalized automated messages.
  • Designed for Host & Partners: Manage multiple host brands together in one dashboard or collaborate by seamlessly switching between individual host dashboards.
  • Seamless Tokeet Integration: Leverage the combined strengths of Guestflow and Tokeet for a comprehensive management experience.


Why Do People Choose Guestflow?

Guestflow is the only platform that is designed to cater for all property managers regardless of their business model, whilst simultaneously delivering a world class guest experience. Choose Guestflow to unlock all of the below benefits:

  • Grow your business and revenue by streamlining your operations.
  • Have happier guests through smarter workflows and the Guest App.
  • Improve your team’s productivity through more organised information and processes.
  • Reduce your costs by having fewer apps and more efficient operations.
  • Gain better visibility through unique auditing of all actions in your business.
  • Get up and running in hours not weeks. Guestflow is intuitive and requires no special training to use it.
  • Integrate with tokeet and all of your favourite apps.


How do I integrate with Guestflow?

To connect your Tokeet account to Guestflow, simply follow the steps in this set up guide. Once complete, your Tokeet property data will be synced with your Guestflow account.