Every first-time vacation rental property owner / manager will find themselves asking what their responsibilities are before listing. Are there any legal requirements? What should I provide my guests with?…
Wanna know how to increase your bookings immediately? Well get in line. Everyone’s looking for the fast-track to the top – yet so few make it. Why is that? Well,…
If you’re looking for ways to further automate your rental operation’s communications, you may want to look into chat bots. Doesn’t that sound like an awful idea? It does if…
We here in the world of vacation rental software solutions throw the term “automation” around a lot. Unfortunately, without some context, it’s pretty meaningless to the layman. Why do I…
Ever wondered if there was some trick to making your property listing rank higher on Airbnb? Well, there is a way…but it’s no trick. There’s no gaming the system here,…
Airbnb is the perfect outlet for first-time vacation rental owners – it’s user-friendly and extremely popular. It’s also extremely easy to get started with. Airbnb rental management operations are a dime…
The best reason for self-managing your vacation rental property is the prospect of keeping 100% of your profits. But exactly how much of your profits would be forfeit to property…
Are all rental listing sites created equal? Of course not, but from the perspective of a property manager, the question is a little different. Instead of looking for the listing…