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Use metrics and market data to beat
the competition.

Dynamic Rate

See your nightly prices change in your calendar as your rate strategies and occupancy change. Automatically update your rates daily with the perfect price across multiple channels. Our simple to use calendars and charts makes it all easy.

Perfect Price

Fine tune your strategies for each rental in your inventory and across your channels. Rategenie's flexible algorithms and pricing controls are the best on the market and will also help you maximize your profits. Our wide range of rules and customizations helps you create pricing that's perfect for you.

Sync Rate

Update all connected channels at least once per day with your perfect price. Say goodbye to stale prices and low revenue bookings. An intuitive dashboard and rich market data mean you have all the information you need to make the important decisions. Rules also allow you to customize your rates depending on the channel.

Dynamic Pricing

Create the perfect rate strategy for your rentals and market.

Generate the best price for your rental without any guesswork. We know that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we made Rategenie flexible enough to adapt to any market, anywhere in the world. Whether you’re in a large city or on a small remote island, Rategenie will help you build a pricing strategy that works for your market. You can base your strategies on historical trends, your rental’s occupancy, a fixed price, or use our Genie Strategy to get started.

Get the most from your time and money by letting our algorithms do the work, you can even take advantage of metrics and view market data for your rentals. We've partnered with the leading data and event intelligence companies to build a sophisticated rates engine that is both easy to use and delivers powerful results. Rategenie is the result of years of experience and knowledge of the short-term rental industry, and research into rental pricing and profitability.

Stay on top of changing variables to get the best nightly price without lifting a finger. Rategenie's pricing is truly dynamic and changes instantly when the conditions and variables in your strategy change. More importantly, we'll update your rates on every channel after each change - at least once per day, but typically much more frequently.

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Powerful Rules &

You’re in full control with Rategenie dynamic pricing.

  • Events & Holiday Predictions

    Capitalize on events in your rental location. Rategenie tracks the big days on your calendar and can automatically adjust your rates to suit.

  • Minimum Stay Adjustments

    Change your minimum nights stay requirement as you like based on many different factors.

  • Price Customization

    Adjust your price depending on the channel, advanced bookings, day of week, gap nights & more.

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The Perfect Price On
Every Channel

Send customized rates to an expansive list of channel connections on the market.

  • API Integrations

    Rategenie has official API integrations with the most popular vacation rental channels.

  • Competitive Price

    Ensure the most competitive price on every channel at anytime during any day with Rategenie’s continuous push technology.

  • Stop waiting for your rates

    Stop waiting for your rates to change. Rategenie updates your rates as often as needed so your prices are always perfect.

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Use metrics and market data
to beat the competition

View all of the data you need to make the right decisions.

  • No Guesswork

    Take the guesswork out of generating your rates.

  • Gain a deeper

    With Rategenie you will gain a deeper understanding of your local market.

  • Market Metrics

    Intuitive graphs show detailed rental and market metrics.


Our reps have answers.

Ask about Tokeet products, pricing, implementations, or anything else - our highly trained reps are standing by, ready to help.

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