AIRBNB - Serious security issue
When connecting to airbnb accounts via the API Tokeet automatically disables “required government ID” and “Recommendation from other hosts”.
We have spoken with multiple case managers at airbnb who have informed us that Tokeet’s API connection is disabling these features and there’s no way for them to switch them back on if we use tokeet.
This leaves all Airbnb properties on Tokeet wide open to house party bookings and fake accounts.
If you are a property manager, disable the API immediately and switch back to Ical.
I understand that the team at Tokeet are very busy implementing updates but can I ask that this is given critical priority. This is the sort of bug that would force people to leave Tokeet.
House parties are a problem in most cities and other than minimum night stays these 2 features are required to block out party guest bookings.
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You are missing my point, when you connect tokeet to airbnb via the API tokeet disables “requires government ID” and “requires positive reviews”. There is no way to enable it and airbnb has said it’s tokeet that’s disabling it, not them.
Having these 2 features disabled opens up your property to party bookings and fake accounts.
The current workaround is to use Ical and have a clone rental synced in tokeet. It’s clunky, non-realtime and a real pain.
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If this is true why does it work fine in eviivo?