Rategenie Q3-Q4 Updates [2021]
Updated: We have introduced a new Genie Strategy to Rategenie user. Which is 10X Better than old Genie strategy.
Updated: We have added a new Export rate feature in Rategenie. Now you will be able to download the rates for your rental for up to two years in the future. On the Rates module go to the Actions button drop-down and then click on the Export Rates button.
Updated: Ability to add 1.25, 1.75 values for the rental bathroom field.
Updated: Added private room as an option in the Rental type dropdown.
Fixed: Min night rule: In the new UI min night was applied on the wrong days. This is fixed now.
Fixed: LOS discount list view, Delete button was labeled as 'view'. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Delete button was flickering on mouse hover on the manual rates list view. This is fixed now.
Updated: Help doc and video for last min rule updated according to new UI.
Updated: Help doc and video for Additional guest rule is updated according to the new UI.
Fixed: Rentals types: Invalid rental types were showing on the Rental settings page under the Rental type dropdown. This is fixed now.
Updated: Russian language support option is added on the Signup page.
Fixed: Updated the Styling of the footer.
Updated: We are Checking the user browser language to pick up the default language for Rategenie.
Fixed: Error messages were shown in English for forgot password page, even though the language selected was different. This is fixed
Updated: We have Added two new buttons on the Rategenie rates overlay screen: 1: Details and 2: Market. These options will allow users to navigate to their Rental settings and Rental market pages without closing the Rates calendar overlay page.
Updated: We're thrilled to announce that Rategenie is now available in the following languages: Spanish, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, English.
Updated: We have Added "SAR - Saudi Arabian Riyal" as currency for rentals.
Updated: On Rentals detail view: Sleep Min & Max fields are converted to text fields.
Fixed: Day-specific rule was Showing percentage sign on the list view for absolute adjustment. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Date-specific rule entries are now displayed in order of the dates on the list view of strategy rules.
Updated: Added a banner for multi-language support after user logged in to the application.
Updated: Added an indicator on the rates break down for min and max rate values. It will help property managers to understand which min , max rate value is getting applied on rates breakdown. Min, max rates values can be applied from Rental rate settings, Strategy settings or Seasonal rule settings.
Updated: Only admins should be able to access the Billing Info page. Other role users will not be able to access the billing page in Rategenie now.
Updated: (Rental) Allow to Add a "Custom Value" for rental max/min sleep- Now User will be able to add a Max and Min sleep by adding any custom value for their rental inside Rategenie.
Fixed: Label issue on the Pricing page both in the application and website. 1st was labeled as '1th'. It's corrected now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy should consider occupancy for the whole month and not from the current date/day. Previously it was taking occupancy from the current day. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy: No occupancy adjustment was getting applied when the booking start date was from the last month and ending in future months. This is fixed now.
Fixed: Custom occupancy: 0 occupancy should have also picked up for the defined interval range 0-10. When there was no occupancy then the defined rate interval 0-10 values were not getting applied. This is fixed now.
Updated - [New Rategenie subs from TV3 billing info page] Add a tooltip to redirect users toward the Rategenie billing page- We have added a tooltip on the TV3 billing page so that we can guide users to go to the Rategenie billing page to un-subscribe.
Fixed - Migration issue causing the user to stop creating new rentals - There was an issue where users were not able to create new rentals inside Rategenie due to switching between Tokeet and Sympl multiple times.
Updated - [Strategy] Tooltips missing from Strategy type- When we mouse hover on the strategies name from the list of strategies then tooltips for different strategy types were missing. Tooltips are added now.
Updated - Added an option to Unsubscribe from Rategenie on Rategenie billing page in new UI.Updated - Replaced Rategenie new UI screenshots with the Rategenie new Walkthrough video.
Updated - Listing page-Old UI: Label and tooltip should be according to new UI for Tokeet sync- On the Listings page in Rategenie, we have replaced the Tokeet Sync label with ‘Channel Manager’ sync to cover Tokeet/Sympl and Webready.
Fixed - User profile image: A user previously had to reload the page to see the updated image. This is fixed now.