TOKEET UPDATES | May 01 - May 31 2022
Updated: We have added expiry date for invoices. Default expiry date will be 2 weeks from Due Date but you can set it up to 90 days in future from Due Date
Updated: We have added Bahraini Dinar as a currency in Tokeet
Updated: Added help articles link on in-app integrations page
Updated: We have added data token for Rental “Display Name” & “Postal Code” in Data Dictionary
Fixed: We have fixed a typo on the Tokeet website integrations page i.e. "Bookaback should be “Bookabach”
Fixed: In the Airbnb Pricing Settings overlay added missing currencies in the Listing Currency dropdown
Fixed: We have fixed an issue with Charge Automation invoices where Invoice ID, Guest name, and Rental name weren’t displaying
Fixed: We have fixed a formatting issue with messaging API
Fixed: We have fixed an issue where creating an invoice from template was resulting in an error
Fixed: We have fixed an issue where multiple overlays display when creating invoice from template
Fixed: We have fixed an issue where “Pay with card” button wasn’t working in invoices
Fixed: We have fixed an issue where users were not able to access already existing files after implementation of secure file sharing application
Fixed: We have fixed an issue where a Vrbo booking was showing as Tokeet booking in web application