We Will Get Through This...
I hope that you and your families are safe as the world grapples with this unprecedented catastrophe.
These are very difficult times for our industry. The spread and impact of the coronavirus have taken most of us by surprise, and the government mandates of social distancing affects our businesses greatly. The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge we must face together. We at Tokeet want to help our customers weather this storm as much as we can. Therefore, we are immediately implementing the following initiatives, no action is needed on your part.
What we are doing to help:
Current paid customers with account addresses in Italy, with properties in Italy will be given the next six (6) months of their Tokeet subscriptions for free.
Customers who previously committed to a yearly plan will receive a two-month extension on their contracts. Your extra months will be billed at the discounted rate when their time comes.
The previously announced platform fee (1% on revenue billed through Tokeet) will be deferred indefinitely. However, the auto invoicing features will still be released as planned.
New user trials will be extended from 15 to 30 days to allow a longer consideration window.
On our side, we are doing everything we can to ensure that the entire Customer Support, Product Management, and Engineering teams are working to help you. We have also opened a topic on our Community Board for discussing the impact of COVID-19 on our industry and what strategies can help us cope with it.
We hope that these measures will be helpful to you in maintaining your business health through these challenging times. As the pandemic progresses we will follow-up with further announcements as needed.
Best wishes,
Kwesi Steele
Tokeet CEO -
I’m struggling to understand why you are only offering the subscription holiday to Italy? The whole of Europe is facing the crisis. The holiday market is essentially on hold until after the epidemic so businesses will not be able to afford to pay for Tokeet. Offering 14 months for the price of 12 will not help businesses who need a break from the amount of money they pay now, not in 12 months.
@Glenn In Spain this is the same situation as in Italy. I would like to know when you are going to apply the reservation commission of 1% as you recently announced. Because I have just migrated to Tokeet because I had no reservation fee. And if they are going to charge, I prefer to take advantage of the low reserves to migrate to other software.
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Italy has the most dire situation of a pandemic that affects not just all of Europe but the entire world. We obviously can’t afford to comp everybody, but we wanted to help most where it was needed most.As far as I know, we have offered the most generous concessions to current customers of any PMS or Channel Manager in the industry. Everyone else is offering advice and information.
Irina, let’s be clear about the 1% discussion. We previously announced that we were developing new auto invoicing features and were considering adding a charge of up to 1% based on all invoices processed through Tokeet partner gateways. If you combine that with Stripe fees, it’s still less than what AirBNB charges you for the same service. There has never been any discussion of reservation fees.
With this notice, we are saying that we’re going to defer the 1% charge indefinitely but still release the new features. Incidentally, we are looking for beta testers for this, so let us know if you want to be one.
Your interpretation is not correct. We offered existing customers not only a lock in of the old prices (to avoid the 30% increase) but an additional 10% off if they pre-paid for a year. Nothing about that got worse… we are automatically extending the 40% discount for them for two more months.
Those who didn’t lock in the old prices still are getting the best price in the industry, even after the first price increase in several years.
We had previously announced a 1% platform fee to cover invoicing services when auto invoicing was released. Today’s announcement means that we’re not going to do that. This is regardless of whether you subscribed for a year or not.
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Glad to hear that! -
@Glenn For me, undoubtedly, tokeet is the best channel manager that I have tried and I have seen of the many, for this I have bet on you. The commission of 1% I will see and value in the future, I hope that the software improvements will stop me and finally I am left with tokeet.
Although there are things that are very important to me and I miss them a lot. For example booking engine to do in languages: Spanish, Russian, French etc, and adaptable to smartphones. Because the second booking portal is my own website. I know that tokeet has its own guest expirience system but I do not see it as complete and it is not in languages that I need. I use wishbox to collect traveler documents if tokeet would help with this task of collecting traveler documents - I would stay with tokeet. Yes, I would like to be beta tester! -
Thanks Irina, for your kind comments. We also would like to improve our language support in the UI, though I have no announcements to make on that front at this time. I am going to pass your name to our Tokeet product manager to follow up on the document collection and beta testing points. -
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Hi @Glenn ,
This was a lovely and really appreciate initiative. However, I discovered 6 days ago that I paid all the fees and no one is answering me about this issue. I’ve been told that this was on request but Kwesi Steele’s message in here is clear: “no action is needed on your part”. All the fees have been withdrawn from my credit card although I am located in Rome (Italy).