Introducing the new look of Signature!
We are proud to announce the latest update to Signature! Perfectly melding form and function, the new and improved user interface improves navigation, functionality, and ease-of-use.
Get from point A to point B in fewer mouse clicks, with the improved layout. Any functions you want to perform are just a few clicks away. Speaking of functions, we have added amazing new features like automations, an address book, a preview feature, and more. All of the added functionality does not mean added complexity. On the contrary, we have worked hard to vastly improve the intuitiveness of the interface. Readability has been improved with larger, and clearer fonts. The presentation of content, and the placement of buttons have been improved due in large part to your helpful feedback. We believe that Signature is the most powerful, easiest-to-use, and most valuable e-signing application on the market.
Learn more about this exciting new update here.