Guest portal sends information for wrong apartment!
Description of the expected result
When the guest portal link is sent out to guests, it should give them the details specific to that booking. -
Description (and/or screenshot) of the actual result
What actually happens is it uses the details of the last booking on the system for that guest, even if that booking is in the future, and for a different apartment.
For example, Joe Bloggs is a repeat guest who is booked in with us this week at our Dakota House apartment. He loves us so he’s also booked his next stay in a month’s time at a different apartment, our Hopton House apartment. When the guest portal is sent out for his stay THIS week, it shows all the information for his stay next month at a completely different location.
Description of the impact to your business
An absolute logistical nightmare and lots of wasted man-hours when guests collect the wrong keys and go to the wrong apartment, because we’ve told them to! Plus the wasted man-hours trying to get your apathetic support team to do anything about it (I first reported this over a year ago). -
Any workarounds you have tried or are doing
We have to change all future bookings for the guest to a different “dummy” guest to ensure they receive the correct information. -
Comments about any known conditions that cause different behavior.
None -
The device, operating system, and browser you are using.
Win10 laptop on Chrome 76.
Thanks. I’m going to check with our Tokeet Product Manager on this.
Hi. Thanks for reporting this. We’ve recently created a ticket for this after it was reported by another Tokeet user.
@christian-zaragoza Any update on this? We’re about to have the same problem again as a guest has booked one of our apartments for one upcoming stay, and another for a different stay.
Thanks for reporting this. The ticket you mention was submitted and there is not yet a fix in place for it. I can’t give you an estimate on when we can expect a fix for this. It will be worked as soon as items of a higher priority are complete and i’m afraid there are a number of higher priority items to address beforehand.
Christian -
Thanks @christian-zaragoza , although it’s pretty disappointing to hear that you don’t regard sending guests to the wrong apartments and exposing sensitive information about those properties incorrectly as a priority, especially as I first reported this over a year ago.
I certainly understand your point of view on this. I definitely don’t like any of the bugs that are reported and with unlimited resources I would stay up day and night to make sure that we wiped them out systematically.
However, as a company with ambitious plans that are always in motion, we have to prioritize our resources accordingly. I promise you that these decisions are made with multiple factors being considered. I will ask the team to review the priority next time we meet and will update you here if I have any new news.
Thank you again for finding and reporting this issue. I really do appreciate you spending the time to report these items.