Owner Center Updates | Q3 [2019]
Add ability to turn off a payout rule without having to delete the entire payout rule.
Updating Payout rule formula structure:
Show name of Payout rules which are being applied to booking: Names of payout rule is now shown in tooltips if user hover over the payout column value.
Allow negative amounts in Invoice line items: User can now include negative amount in the invoice
Owner Center is accessible on tablet platform
Allow property manager to enable OC login for the owner
Create the statements / invoice for all the owners in a bulk function
Allow owners to change password
[Owner Portal->Reports]
Add tooltips when you hover over different report types.
Bug Fixes:
Sort on basis of “Rentals” and “Name” columns not working. -
Sort on basis of Owner column not working properly. -
In Payments filter is not working for Failure -
Rental and Tag filters appearing as Blank.
Owner center check in / check out times on booking info popup are incorrect
[Payout Rules]
Owner name and Channel Name is missing on detail view -
Bookings that span from one year to the next show up incorrectly on the next year’s report -
[Owner Portal]
Owner should be able to scroll forward and backward on Multi Calendar. -
[Owners->Owner Statements]
Options in Rentals dropdown should be sorted. -
[Owner->Owner Rentals]
In case of Euro correct currency symbol doesn’t show in Owner Center. -
[Owner Portal->Statements]
Tooltip goes out of screen when you hover over Month dropdown. -
“BOOKING REVENUE FOR LAST 14 DAYS” graph has some data display issues -
In Printed Mode, show “No Logo” if no logo exists. -
[Invoice Print]
Terms and Conditions and Messages section does not appear all. -
In Activity Log “Failure” status is not working -
Status filter is not working properly without screen refresh -
Hold Events are not displaying correctly on Standard calendar -
Invoice Detail View shows empty rows in OC and 0 Payout/Tax