Interested to know when the next update to the website functionality might be coming along?
There are a few issues and also a few things that would be very helpful to have
The main one is initial prices are shown without fees like VAT or cleaning then only when the customer goes to book are these added. 1. I'm not sure this is even legal under EU law and that's why Booking etc now includes all mandatory fees in the pricing. 2. It's not great from a sales perspective as it sets a false expectation especially if you are charging vat as the price is suddenly hiked by 20% as the customer sees it.
Only today I had a customer say, "it says prices from £xyz, when can I book at that price"? The answer is currently never as those are without VAT or cleaning fee, not a great answer to have to give them.
Additional Functionality required
- The ability to offer coupons for either fixed rates/date and percentage discounts
- The ability to offer upsell items, early/late check-in, hampers, chocolates etc etc
- Change the "Book Now" button to say something else as it puts people off as they think they are about to book before even getting actual prices after picking dates