Minimum length of stay per channel
Please can we have minimum length of stay by channel. Unlike airbnb, and other OTA’s offer no way to screen the guest so we are forced to block out 1 night stays.
We want to open up 1 night stays on airbnb only as we can use their vetting tools.
Also, please fix the tokeet airbnb API connection so that it no longer disables “requires government ID” and “previous positive reviews”
Hi Leigh. We have discussed this feature as a team, and it is something to be considered for a future update of Rategenie. There is no current timetable for implementation. The only solution that won’t involve manually blocking dates would be creating duplicate rentals in TV3, and then linking them via iCal, in order to sync their availabilities. This will let to put a different min stay requirement on Airbnb from the other channels. This guide will explain how to link rentals together in TV3: