Margins - Daily Financials

In the Daily Financials section under Revenue, you'll be presented with information on the daily financials such as daily revenue, occupancy % and revenue per guest.

First, there is a graph showing the total daily revenue for the selected month.

The Filters button allows you to only show information based on the currency, month, rentals and sources.

The Daily Financials Summary shows a breakdown of your daily revenue based on the fields below.

It also allows you to print and download the data as a CSV or Excel file.

Bookings: No. of bookings on that day

Guests: Sum of guests having booking on respective date

Occupancy: Occupancy % for respective month [i.e. bookedNightsInaDay / (daysInMonths * RentalsCount) * 100]

For Example: If we have 1 booking on Jan 1 that is booked for 4 nights then the calculation for 3 rentals will be done as 4/(31*3)*100 => 4.30%.

Daily Revenue: Sum of Revenue of respective date

Avg daily revenue: Total average revenue against a respective date w.r.t. month [i.e. Total month Revenue/daysInMonths]

Revenue per guest: Daily revenue w.r.t. guest [i.e. Dailyrevenue/no. of guests]

As always, please contact us with questions at any time.  We're happy to help.

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